Bernin Park

In 2002, the City of Hugo purchased 24 acres on the south west side of Oneka Lake, located at 6540 Greene Avenue, for a future passive park.  After the purchase, the property was leased back to the prior owners, Bruce and Ginny Bernin, who continued to operate their tree farm and live on the property until 2022.  In 2022, the City of Hugo purchased the smaller adjacent parcel to the south, located at 15230 Greene Avenue, from the Bernin Estate.  The original 24 acres were purchased using a Natural and Scenic Property Grant from the MN DNR.  The grant stipulated that the property be available for public use as a passive park (trails, lake access, and support facilities are allowed).  Due to the 2002 grant agreement and deed, active park amenities such as ball fields or playgrounds are not allowed to be constructed on the property.  

The future park was master planned in 2004, following neighborhood meetings.  The master plan included the adjacent 10 acre parcel to the west to be an active park area, now constructed and known as Oneka Lake Park.  The 24 acre property that was formerly owned by the Bernins is to have trails, a small parking lot, a fishing dock and overlooks.  Since the Bernins no longer occupy the property, the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Commission would like to move forward with constructing the passive park amenities and making it available for public use. 

A neighborhood meeting was held on June 27, 2023 at Hugo City Hall from 5:00pm to 7:00pm.  A brief presentation was given after which staff answered questions and gathered input on the draft master plan.  Based on the feedback from residents, a minor change in the plan was made- the southern most trail was moved further north away to provide a large buffer to the residential properties to the south. The master plan was approved by the Parks Commission at their meeting on August 16, 2023 and the City Council at their meeting on August 21, 2023.  Construction plans are in progress which will allow the city to apply for grants and other sources to fund construction.  

Please call Parks Planner Shayla Denaway at 651-762-6342 with any questions.