Municipal Water System

Supply and treatment facilities include all necessary equipment to pump, treat and distribute water demanded by the system. The City of Hugo obtains its water from six deep wells in the Prairie du Chien-Jordan aquifer. The water is then pumped into the distribution system following chlorinating, fluoridating and the addition of polyphosphate. Polyphosphate delays the precipitation of oxidized manganese and iron, thereby greatly reducing the layer of scale that forms on the pipe. What this means to consumers is less rusty water problems. 

The City of Hugo currently has two water storage facilities. They are elevated tanks. Elevated tanks serve two purposes; the first is to provide adequate water pressure in the distribution system and the second is to provide storage for the City’s water supply. .  

The City of Hugo’s distribution system consists of trunk water mains (8-24 inches in diameter), lateral water mains (6-8 inches in diameter), service pipes, valves and hydrants. The majority of the City’s water mains are ductile iron pipe, although older areas of the City have cast iron water mains. The City currently has over 830 hydrants, and that number is steadily increasing with the growth of the City.

If you have any further questions on the municipal water system or you would like a copy of the Consumer Confidence Report contact Scott Anderson, Public Works Director.