City Hall Rain Garden
When the new Hugo City Hall City was built in 2002, the City incorporated storm water infiltration techniques into the landscaping plan. Specific infiltration techniques on the site include three rain gardens and two infiltration islands. This project was a cooperative effort between the Rice Creek Watershed District and the City of Hugo. Throughout the project, the District and City worked together in the design, construction, maintenance and monitoring. The innovative storm water management practices serve as a demonstration project to promote infiltration throughout the District and the City of Hugo. In addition, infiltration education has been extended to the public through the development of educational signage. Monitoring of the site includes collection of rainfall data and calculation of runoff and infiltration rates. The overall objective for the Maintenance and Monitoring (M&M) Plan is to ensure the longevity and integrity of the rain gardens and infiltration islands designed as part of the stormwater management plan for the Hugo City Hall.