Downtown Redevelopment Project
The downtown Hugo redevelopment plan is a reflection of the community vision to create a positive identity for Hugo and instill a unique “sense of place” in its downtown area.
Project background
In 1998 the City of Hugo established a downtown plan and preliminary design guidelines to address redevelopment of the downtown commercial “ Main Street ” on Forest Blvd. (Hwy 61). The original plan needed to be revisited to address the developable area along County Rd 8 and to consider the impact of the new realigned County Rd 8 and Hwy 61 intersection. In September 2003 the City of Hugo hired Landform, a consultant for planning and urban design, to assist the City in updating the Cities downtown plan and framework. This planning process began in the fall of 2003 and included workshops with the City Council, Planning Commission, and downtown business and property owners. A community-wide open house was held in May 2004 to encourage public input on the final plan.
The downtown plan and the design guidelines are now in place and the City has begun the necessary steps towards implementing a downtown redevelopment project. The City has retained the services of Maxfield Research, through a grant from Metropolitan Council, to conduct a market study of the downtown area. The market study is needed to know if there is a market for the proposed uses that are envisioned for downtown Hugo. The Economic Development Authority (EDA) has been very involved in guiding the redevelopment process and has recently been meeting with developers interested in implementing the downtown plan at their regularly scheduled meetings.