Well Management
About 70% of Minnesotans use groundwater as their source of drinking water, and careful well management is important to the sustainability of this shared resource. The responsible use of groundwater will ensure its quantity and quality for future users and future generations. Well management includes all of the activities related to the construction, maintenance, and sealing of wells and borings.
What can you do to help protect our groundwater?
- Keep your well elevated from the soil by at least one foot.
- Slope surrounding soil away from the well.
- Keep your well cap securely attached.
- Keep the wellhead clear of snow, leaves, and other materials.
- Check for cracks in the casing of your well.
- Test your water regularly for coliform bacteria and nitrates.
- Monitor changes in the color or smell of your water.
- Do not use household chemicals or hazardous materials within 100 feet of your well.
- Do not construct buildings or site potential contaminant sources within the Minnesota Department of Health’s required setbacks.